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March 27, 2004. The Timonium hamfest, held at the Maryland State Fairgrounds, was another excellent way to update the parts box. It rained from opening until about 10 AM; however, the fest had three large buildings in which to browse so there was no problem. The rain was actually a plus in that when the tarps came off at the tailgating area, the 10 AM crowd became the early birds which are usually on board at 6 AM. The highlight of the day of course was the Post Timonium Party hosted by Frank KB3AHE and his wife Carol (now KB3OMT). The food was terrific and the large crowd of AM'ers had a very enjoyable time.

 1 Photo:  Timonium hamfest 2004   2 Photo:  Timonium hamfest 2004   3 Photo:  Timonium hamfest 2004   4 Photo:  Timonium hamfest 2004   5 Photo:  Timonium hamfest 2004
1: Early birds in a very small portion of the Cow Palace.
2: Pete WA2CWA the manual man, PAM wife of WA3VJB and Paul WA3VJB enjoying the end of the rain and the beginning of the outdoor tailgating activities.
3: Lots of buying and selling outside.
4: Frank KB3AHE and his wife Carol, hosts of the splendid Post Timonium Party.
5: John W3JN and Joe N3IBX at the Post Timonium smoke out.

 6 Photo:  Timonium hamfest 2004   7 Photo:  Timonium hamfest 2004
6: Dave K2DK and Paul WA3VJB.
7: Joe N3IBX and company listening to DeWitt N4QNX answer a question posed to him on pi-networks and circuit Q.

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